Monday, October 20, 2008

Visiting Dad

Just something I had to get off my chest..
“The biggest mistake I have ever made is not being there for my baby girl, my only child. It seems as if she doesn’t need me for anything because I’ve been gone so long. I went to jail on my third strike leaving Victoria at the age of five. Fifteen years since I hugged, kiss and saw her face physically and I have nothing but pictures she took occasionally. I have made many mistakes in my lifetime and leaving her while she was young was the biggest mistake that I truly regret.” Kelly J. Alexander
That was written in one of the letters my dad sent me a while back. October 4,2008 was the day I saw my father for the first time since I was five. After that day I felt my life has changed dramatically, I finally met the man I used to call daddy. I didn't cry and i wasn't happy while meeting him but 2 days later on a 5 hr car ride i realized what had just happened! I find myself not focusing on my school work. I was emotional and couldn't concentrate on anything.
Today I realized I needed to get on my study grind and put my personal life to the side.